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Stay connected with Karibu: 2 easy ways to help!

Please read all the information below

30th May 2024

We want to make sure you have the latest information and opportunities at your fingertips. Here's a two-part update to help us stay connected:

1. Update Your Contact Information

Is your email address or phone number out of date? Keeping your contact information current ensures you receive important updates and announcements. Here's how to update your information:

  • For former Inquilab residents: Please let us know your updated contact details by sending an email to or calling 020 607 7777 to inform our customer service team.
  • For former Westway residents: Please let us know your updated contact details by sending an email to or calling 020 8964 2323 to inform our customer service team.

2. Upcoming Resident Survey (June 2024)

In June, you'll receive an email with a link to a Resident survey. Your participation will be appreciated. The survey will ask about:

  • Protected Characteristics: This helps us understand the diversity of our community. We assure you that your responses will be kept confidential.
  • Language Preferences: Knowing your preferred language allows us to better serve your needs.
  • Communication Preferences: Let us know how you'd like to receive updates - email, My Karibu app, website, social media, etc.

Why Participate?

Your feedback is crucial! By completing the survey, you'll help us:

  • Improve communication: We want to ensure information reaches you in the way that works best for you.
  • Enhance services and support: Understanding our community's needs allows us to tailor services and support to better serve you.
  • Promote inclusivity: Knowing the diversity of our residents helps us create a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Look for the survey email in June!

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping your contact information updated and participating in the upcoming survey.

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