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Value for Money

Value For Money, Without Compromise

Providing quality housing and developing sustainable communities is at the heart of what we do. As a housing association that supports the wellbeing, health, and safety of residents, value for money (VfM) is extremely important to us. At all times, we aim to deliver our services in the most cost-efficient way possible, yet without compromising the quality of our homes and services. .

The money we make beyond our operating costs are invested back into our organisation and communities by providing more homes and services for our residents. 

We report our actions, spending, and performance openly and transparently to our residents, regulators, and other stakeholders. We carry out VfM assessments every year, and we report on these – together with detailed information about our expenditure and performance - annually. These reports explain how we have used our resources to achieve the best returns and value across our activities and in support of our residents.
