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Governance & Transparency

Karibu (formerly Inquilab) is regulated by The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) which sets the standards for, and assesses in accordance with its compliance register, all registered providers of social housing. 

We are compliant with the Governance and Financial Viability standards set by the RSH. In our most recent regulator assessment, we were given a V2 rating for financial viability, and a G1 compliance rating for Governance. 

Board Committees

Our Board provides strategic direction and governs, controls, and scrutinises our operations. The Board meets regularly to review our performance and provides advice to our Executive Management Team. You can read profiles of our current Board members, together with our Executive Management Team on Our Board and Executive Management Team. The Board delegates certain responsibilities to a number of committees, being:

​The Audit and Assurance Committee (A&AC)

This committee normally meets up to four times a year and is chaired by a Board member. It supports the Board in discharging its responsibilities, particularly in maintaining an effective system of internal control. The committee’s objective is to give assurance to the Board on the effectiveness of the system of risk management and internal control, the integrity of the Association’s annual report and accounts, the work of the internal audit service, the external audit by the external auditor and such other matters as may be referred to it by the Board. The external and internal auditors attend key meetings and have direct access to the committee Chair. The committee keeps the relationship between the Association and its auditors under review and considers their independence, including the extent of their fees from non-audit services.

​Remuneration & Nominations Committee (RNC)

This committee is chaired by a member of the Board. It is responsible for the recruitment of Board members, the Board member appraisal system, advising on general corporate governance issues and the pay and remuneration of the Board and executive team.

​Customer Committee (CC)

The Customer Committee is chaired by a member of the Board and is responsible for overseeing the provision of services to the Association’s residents and other customers and monitoring resident engagement activities.

Our Policies and Notices

Our policies can be downloaded from this page.

Our self-assessment against the housing ombudsman’s complaint handling code

In 2023, Inquilab (now known as Karibu) carried out a self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code. The assessment sets out the areas where we comply with the code and actions we will be taking to further improve how we handle customer feedback. This self-assessment, below, was shared with our Customer Committee in September 2023

  Self Assessment - 2023 (269.4KB)

Register of Interests

Every year members of the Board and Committees are asked to disclose their interest in other organisations. In response to this year’s request we have been notified of Board/ Committee members’ interests in the following organisations.

Stowhill Consultancy 

Salisbury & Hill Ltd

Guinness Partnership

Homes for Haringay 

Greenoak Housing Association

Optivo Housing Association

Advance Housing Support Ltd

Local Space Ltd

Eldon Square Garden Community Group

Salisbury & Hill Limited

The Haven + London

PCB Electronic Limited

Harvey HR Limited

McClictor Caine Limited

Sovereign Housing 

Creation Trust Limited

Charles Russell Speechly's Foundation

Studio KEW 

Kensington And Chelsea Council

59 Gwendwr Road Management Company (London)

University of Portsmouth

Norwich City Council

Shepherd’s Bush HA

Brook  Charity

Innistree HA​​​​​​

Building Society Trust

Metropolitan Thames Valley HA

Richmond Furniture Services

SPEAR Charity ​​​​​​

First Affordable Housing

Aaim Housing ​​​​​​

Notting Hill Genesis

Open Door

Barnet Group

MOAT Homes Limited​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Midland Heart

Croydon Improvement and Assessment Panel’ appointee (Dept for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities)