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Winter is Here ... Are you Prepared?

Get ready for Winter

8th November 2021

Vaccinations, fuel efficiency, boiler checks, and more ... Getting ready for the colder months means preparing and protecting our homes and ourselves.

Check your boiler: Now is the time to check that your boiler is working and that your radiators and heating system is functioning properly. Checking now will save time later when the cold weather really kicks in! If you're experiencing problems with your heating, you can contact our heating and gas contractors (K&T Heating) directly on 0208 269 4500.

Be energy efficient: With rising fuel and energy costs we know that fuel poverty is a real concern for some our customers. Being energy efficient will help to reduce the amount of fuel you use by ensuring your home is kept insulated, and that you switch off lights and reduce temperatures in rooms that are not in use. Simple measures like keeping curtains drawn at night to keep heat in, using draught excluders at the bottom of doors, and wearing warm clothing all help. For more advice and tips please visit our website at

Flu and Covid Booster Vaccinations: The winter months bring a rise in flu and Covid cases. Getting vaccinated against the flu and Covid will increase your chances of fighting these serious viruses and, in some instances, prevent infection altogether. If you are over 55 years old, have a health issue or are vulnerable, you should receive a letter or message from the NHS inviting you to receive your jab(s). You can also contact your doctor or local pharmacy directly for an appointment. If you have any concerns or questions, or would like to know more about being vaccinated against the flu or Covid please visit

Feeling Low? Getting help when you need it: The winter months not only bring an increase in physical illnesses, but also in poor mental health. Depression, loneliness, financial anxiety, and feelings of being unable to cope are heightened during the winter. Known as Winter Depression, which is often referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), it can effect anyone, and can seriously affect people who are already suffering from poor mental health. If you're feeling low, or have feelings of anxiety for yourself or a loved one, you can contact your doctor or seek advice from any of the following:

You can also contact The Samaritans, free from any phone, on 116 123.

Protect your Home ... Pay your Rent on Time
We know that the winter months bring increased financial pressure with the cost of fuel and festive occasions. Paying your rent remains essential in order to protect your tenancy and your home. If you are having trouble paying your rent, please contact us immediately via our Resident's Portal. Failure to pay your rent on time puts your home at risk and impacts the funding of services we are able to provide.

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