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Do you Know your Fire / Emergency Evacuation Procedure?

Know your Fire and emergency escape route

4th May 2021

Making sure you are familiar with your evacuation / escape procedure is essential. We will make you aware of your fire / emergency escape routes and what to do in the event of an emergency upon taking residency / signing your tenancy agreement.

We ensure that the communal areas, alarm systems, and fire doors meet with regulation and that they are regularly tested.

However, everyone must take responsibility for their safety and those of others. You should reguarly practice your evacuation proceedure and make sure that everyone who lives or a visiting guest understands what to do in the case of an emergency.

Always ensure that communal areas - such as stairs, corridors, and entrance halls are kept clear and that fire doors are not obstructed. 

  • Keep your belongings - including shoes, boots, and prams - inside your home
  • Do not use utility cupboards for any kind of storage
  • Do report any obstruction to us so we can deal with the neighbour / problem 

If you see, smell, or suspect the spread of smoke or fire, you must leave your building immediately, ensuring all others in your property do the same

  • If you are able, close all doors ensuring noone is left in the property
  • Do not waste time collecting your belongings
  • Always use the stairs - never use an elevator or electrically operated lift / hoist system
  • Alert your neighbours
  • Call 999 immediately 

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